Vincze Loránt

FUEN President • Member of the European Parliament

Welcome to Husum*Hüsem, where the sea is majority, and the land is minority!

The North Frisians, a small minority without a kin-state, have a long story to tell about their people, about how they ended up and settled in this area, about distant and closer relatives scattered around different parts of Europe.

But most of their stories are going to be about the sea. Long before the concept of majority and minority was introduced in human society, this small group of people already had a similar relationship with this all-powerful, vast and unpredictable force of nature. They learned to live with it, to use it to their advantage and to thrive in this symbiosis of men and nature. And in doing so, they also learned a lot about themselves and each other, about the things that unite them as one and enable their survival.

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Ilse Johanna Christiansen

Chairwoman of Frasche Rädj • Frisian Council Section North

The Frisians are founding members of FUEN and have been members since 1949. Since October 2022 we - the Frasche Rädj / Friesenrat Section North - are part of the big FUEN family from the Atlantic to the Urals and from the North Cape to the Mediterranean. During the congress in Berlin - immediately after our admission as an associate member - the idea was born to organise a nationalities congress in our region of Nordfraschlönj /  North Friesland, and FUEN congresses have often been held in West Friesland. But there was only one congress in North Friesland - in 1957 in Weesterlönj / Westerland on the island of Sylt. We Frisians belong to the small non-kin-state groups. We need a lot of attention! That's why it's a great honour for us that the congress is coming to us again after almost 60 years. We will give our best and welcome the European minorities with a clear “RÜM HART - KLAAR KIMING” (Wide Heart - Clear Horizon)!


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2024, 19 – 22 September
Husum • Hüsem

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Official Opening

Thursday 19 September

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Husum • Hüsem, Germany

Official website



Due to the capacity challenges of the hotels in Husum, we have to split the participants to 6 different hotels in the city. All the hotels are within walking distance from the Husumhus.
Please be aware that after your registration FUEN will send you the exact details about the hotel you are staying in.
One<br> night


Single room: €250
Double room: €150
Two<br> nights


Single room: €450
Double room: €300
Three<br> nights


Single room: €650
Double room: €450


One day: €80
Two days: €150
Three days: €200

*Prices per person, including: all meals, congress fee, excursion, cultural program, city tax

Nearby airports

Hamburg <br>airport (HAM)
airport (HAM)
3:00 h
  • Hamburg Airport
  • Hamburg Altona
  • Husum
Billund <br>Airport (BLL)
Airport (BLL)
3:30 h
  • Billund Airport DK
  • Vejle DK
  • Kolding St. DK
  • Schleswig GR
  • Husum
  • Billund Airport DK
  • Kolding St. DK
  • Schleswig GR
  • Husum
3:00 h
In case there will be enough interest from participants, we will help you to organize a shuttle service directly from HAM Airport to Husum. For that, please indicate your exact travel details and the Flight number in your registration form! Without this information provided, we will not consider you for the shuttle service!

The costs for the shuttle will be announced beforehand and will be covered by each participant directly on spot. FUEN will not cover those costs!


The Frisians
The first mention of the Frisians dates back to 12 BC by Roman historians. Originally, the Frisians moved north along the banks of the Rhine and towards the sea. North Friesland and Heligoland were settled by Frisians from the southern North Sea coast from the 8th century onwards. They first settled on the islands and Halligen, later also in the marshlands of the mainland. By building terps and dykes, they defended their living space against the Blanken Hans. In the Middle Ages, their settlement area extended along the southern North Sea coast from the mouth of the Rhine to the Weser, and in some cases as far as the mouth of the Elbe.

The Frisian culture today

Today, around 50,000 North Frisians live in Schleswig-Holstein on the west coast, on the islands and on the Halligen of North Friesland. There are also Frisians in the Netherlands and Lower Saxony.

What are the issues of everyday life today?

The preservation of the language is still one of the central goals.

How do children grow up bilingual?
How can you live and work in Friesland?

The association “Frasche Rädj / Friesenrat Sektion Nord e. V.” (Frisian council) is the umbrella organization of Frisian organizations and institutions in North Friesland and on Heligoland. The name of the association symbolizes the coming together and exchange of the Frisian community in this region. The association sees itself as a contact and coordination point that represents the common interests of the Frisians to the outside world. It is based in Bredstedt in the district of Nordfriesland.

What are the issues of everyday life today?

The preservation of the language is still one of the central goals.

How do children grow up bilingual?
How can you live and work in Friesland?

The association “Frasche Rädj / Friesenrat Sektion Nord e. V.” (Frisian council) is the umbrella organization of Frisian organizations and institutions in North Friesland and on Heligoland. The name of the association symbolizes the coming together and exchange of the Frisian community in this region. The association sees itself as a contact and coordination point that represents the common interests of the Frisians to the outside world. It is based in Bredstedt in the district of Nordfriesland.

Husum • Hüsem

Husum (North Frisian: Hüsem) is the capital of the Kreis (district) Nordfriesland in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. The town was the birthplace of the novelist Theodor Storm, who coined the epithet "the grey town by the sea".
Theodor Storm Theodor Storm
The name means “to the houses”. Husum is located on the south-western corner of the Schleswig-Holstein Geest. From here, the Ochsenweg leads to the north and traditional connections to Flensburg and Schleswig on the Baltic coast. It currently has 22,430 inhabitants (2015).

Museums and culture

Castle Park crocus blossom

Around five million specimens of Crocus napolitanus transform the green meadows 
into a purple carpet of flowers in March/April.


Have been considered the largest city event on the west coast of Schleswig-Holstein since 1982.

Husumer Filmtage

Since 1986.

Raritäten der Klaviermusik

The tradition of church music is continued in St. Mary's Church since 1987.

Speicher Cultural Center

Opened in 1982.

Husumer Hafentage

Have been considered the largest city event on the west coast of Schleswig-Holstein since 1982.

Nordfriesland Museum

Offers museum-like insights: Nissenhaus Husum, the Ostenfeld Farmhouse, the Maritime Museum founded in 1988/89

Storm Center

House of Theodor Storm

The Christmas House

Founded in 2008.

Schiffbrücke 42, D-24939 Flensburg, Germany
Phone: +49 461 12 8 55

Photos, illustrations:
Alexander Dreyer, DerMische, Frank Vincentz, Fritz Stoltenberg, Georg Denda, Herbert Weber, Johannes Mejer
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